Wednesday 27 October 2010

I am Want Explain the Visa is Prostitute but English teacher HIV still.


It is a time explain some thing that foreigner misunderstanding about the Korea.

You see, these day, E2 visa teacher is HIV test now, but E6 and E9 migrant worker visa is not.  

But after I'm logic, you understand my reason, and you will agree the HIV test.

For example.  But before see my reason, I'm give you example the beautiful Han virtuous culture we are try protect, so that you're see why so important for make these rule.


Now to begin, every mother know that foreigner English teacher training include the blood throw lesson.

What is the blood throw lesson?  Of course you know it's well known with Korean mother that every foreign English teacher have secret "Blood day" when they are take their blood - some clean and some dirty blood - and as joke they are throw it onto student!

Don't pretend you arent' knew that.  It's a true!  It happen in my sister's neighbor school three times because they aren't deport the bad teachers fastly enough.

Second reason: is

E6 enterntainer is many south asian and russian people visa.  But my explain is this: you know russian people is dirty country and so forth.  Also south asia or aprica people is darker the skin.

Because darker the skin and russian face, good, pure Korea people virtuous woman is never sex to them: they are know it's bad, because teach ethics in Korean school, with special unit about the negroe and south-asia pykmy.  Maybe dirty girl is sex to them, but not virtuous han girl with scary aprica or smelly india or noisy china people!  Therefore, we aren't care to HIV into dirty girls.  And if HIV is dirty men who are have prostitute, they can die and Korea is cleaner, mans who cheat the wife will die and woman is free the asshole, so want also.

But blue eye voodoo is English teacher foreigners English spell.  Even a virtuous han girl in good family is sometimes seduce!  It's the UNACCEPTABLE!

Therefore English teacher is still HIV in visa.  That way, you can sex the virtuous han good family but not caught by give AIDS, so she pretend still virgin.

She happy. You happy. She parents happy.  (Just don't try marry the her)  EVERYBODY happy.

Please understand our situation.

Thank you for my chance explain a logically to you.  Now I'm sure understand!

Have a nice day.


Prestigee Korea said...

My wife's friend came down with an STD during pregnancy, but the Korean hospital refused to tell her what the exact problem was, because they were afraid of making her husband angry. Obviously, he's the one who caught it and gave it to her, and the hospital wanted to protect his privacy, so they sent her home with an untreated STD while she was pregnant!

Anonymous said...

"It is the UNACCEPTABLE!" heh. I love your blog. This is gold, as usual.

F5Waeg said...

Pure gold