Monday 16 February 2009

Michelle Wie Wears Short Skirt! From the Sports Chosun

by the Sports Chosun Staff

In an amazing day for Korean Women's Golf, The Sports Chosun got some upskirt photos of the sexy (and talented) Michelle Wie.

Korean article here: Sports Chosun

The extensive TNA archives held by the Chosun's staff of photographers is well known to the journalism industry: they are always ready to boldly snap the upskirt photo other journalistic corps do not dare to snap.

Though she didn't win the SBS Open, edged in the end by the less-attractive, but blonde Angela Stanford, the Chosun photographers were thrilled by Michelle Wie's second-place finish.

Something something, ladies' golf, whatever: we don't really care about how many strokes it took to win or lose, but speaking of strokes, look at these pictures!
I'll be in my office. Don't interrupt me for at least an hour.
Hold's the best one. (these three photos actually from the Sports Chosun)
These aren't golfers...but they should be, damnit! As a journalist, and on behalf of all sports photographers, I demand it!

You stay classy, sports chosun!


Brian said...

Who's the woman in the pink bra?

Dokdo Is Ours said...

jarah mariano

Anonymous said...

It's not a skirt, it's a skort (short pants attached underneath).

Dokdo Is Ours said...

We are either glad you've set the record straight at last, @Anon, almost 3 years later... or we share in your disappointment.